Like a bird

As it turns out this area (Ölüdeniz, Turkey) is consistently rated a top 10 destination for paragliding, so we gave it a try! Also, today we started the journey back thru Greece. We have been very impressed with the hospitality of the Turkish people and are leaving with great memories.

Miles walked today: 9.4








10 thoughts on “Like a bird

  1. Wow these pictures are amazing! Enjoying the blog and seeing things I have never seen before and obvously will probley never make it there. It is just beautful where you did the paragliding! Enjoy and keep posting!

  2. Awesome ! I just read thru all of your blogs, great job. Thanks for sharing and keep it up. I am so happy for your two the places, sights, experiences and FOOD are incredible ! Your sail boat trip and the ocean towns and all that blue water…WOW ! Definately a trip of a lifetime. Be safe and keep on truck’in. You have so much more to look forward to. I will be checking in to live this thru your eyes. See you in December my friends !

  3. Hope you make it up to Rome, Florence, Verona, Lake Garda, into Switzerland, lake Lucerne, etc…my fav places are in northern Italy … Can not forget Lake Como…explore Pompeii outside of Naples too on your way north!

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