Ho Chi Minh

We are now in Ho Chi Minh, formerly Saigon. We walked counter clockwise around the city, visiting all the main sights. Although this city feels more ‘western’ than other cities we visited, there are still many things that are strictly Vietnam!

Mikes walked: 10.4

Odd sightings in Ho Chi Minh:




I don’t understand how everyone wears long sleeves, pants and hats in this 90 degree humid weather!


War Museum:



2 thoughts on “Ho Chi Minh

  1. In older Vietnamese culture, fair skin is considered more desirable and representative of a more refined person as dark skin was associated with someone who works the farm.

    So that is what is up with all the long sleeves and such…. but yeah. I don’t know how the hell they do it.

    You guys look like you are doing damn well.

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