
“The world is a book and I want to read all the pages.” – Unknown

It was on our first date we realized that travel was one of our shared passions. We even started dreaming about an extended world travel trip that night, as we browsed the travel section of a book store we had passed on our walk after dinner. Each year since then we’ve eagerly planned and enjoyed various domestic and international trips, all the while planning for our extended world travel trip.

Our World Travel Trip will become reality on October 1st when we fly to the Mediterranean, the first leg of our journey. The goals for this trip are the same as our past trips: see ancient and modern wonders of the world, experience cultures, enjoy naturally beautiful landscapes, even better if we get to hike them, try different foods, learn stories from the people we meet and spend quality time with one another.

For us travel is exciting and inspiring, and we also walk away with stories and photos that continue to provide us inspiration and entertainment years after. For those who are interested we invite you to follow our blog where we will provide updates and photos of our travels.  Bon voyage!

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

8 thoughts on “About

  1. I am in awe at your courage and sense of wonder. I know you will remember this adventure when you are very old a dream lived. Be safe! Love Aunt Sue

  2. You guys are truly amazing and an inspiration to many. The scenery, the people and the map of your travels around the world are the things that books are written about. Hiking in flip flops and being soothed by small fish biting on your feet are the things that look personally memorable. 🙂 I hope you have safe travels and bring your stories back to the lake for sharing.

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